BlackHole : part 1 : The Past

Black hole.: The Past :part 1

A powerful brain is also leads to the destruction and this story is about this. A girl from the small City Mehsana from Gujarat had a very powerful brain and the vision of it and it's intelligence will lead for the destruction of the Earth is unbelievable for all of us and for the world scientist.let know how it take place from the first .

A girl named Alia who live in mehsana with her grandmother and grandfather and her parents are doing job in NASA in space column of Blackhole. A day when her parents were going for black hole experience,they knew that when we stuck in it there is no chances of coming back from it.They have to check whether it is right that the Blackhole is the transmission from current Galaxy to the another Galaxy. It happens when Alia was just six years old. A incident was happen with Alia that according to it when she was missing her parents at her room a portal was open in the middle of the room and her parents were come out of it and gave her a gadget from which she only can communicate from it and she only can see it and they also gave book to her in which there is description about the journey of them and the book was written magically the solution for Alia problem. Black holes may be brick walls that bounce information back out ...

They were at Acend Galaxy and suddenly the hand come from portal and snatch her parents then the last word said by her that they will come again on her 40th birthday and take it with them. When suddenly portal close Alia was on his bed and she feel that this was a dream but suddenly when she seen the book and gadget which was only seen by Alia .She told all things happen with it to her grandmother and grandfather and they also believe with it but not with seriousness with children mind. So Alia decide not to tell anybody about it. He tell this all things to her school best friend Aman and he believe it and also react on it. Alia become intelligent day by day .In college Aman propose to Alia and a romantic track is tuned. Aman knew that Alia want to go to her parents and only way to go there is to create Blackhole of the same in which years ago her parents stuck. Alia has only one dream was now to meet her parents. Now Alia was 19 years old and after 13 years the sound from the gadget given by her parents came out," save us Alia came here Alia " Alia replied on it,"How I came to you Papa please tell me" Replied came,"Alia Blackhole A book I given to get all answer from it Alia." and suddenly a gadget stop and disappeared from there and a slip appear written on it,"Dura Mera kehda Andheri rat ko khola".Alia read it and nothing happen.she try again and again and she suddenly memorised that book given by her parents .She took the book and read the sentence .By then the book suddenly open and a sentence written on it that destruction to earth leads to meet your parents a blackhole.A new journey is always a fruitful. Try and experience Blackhole by taking whole solar system to it. Alia got an idea that if I take whole earth in it then a new journey of earth can started. Alia now suffer for huge loss as her only relative her grandmother also passed .Alia was now alone.Alia married to Aman and now both worked at an institute of NASA of space domination.Alia was head of it and Aman worked under it. A happy life is going then Alia was pregnant and give birth to baby girl which we named kriti. One day suddenly Aman discovers Alia vision about taking earth to Blackhole and Aman explained Alia about her dangerous dream but she refuse and at last Alia admitted her mistake and forgotten about her wish to meet her parents.Couple a days after Aman goes to India with kriti to send kriti to his parents for one month vacation to flourish India heritage. A week after When came to his work A disaster happen with his life which change her life completely.

By : Aman Memon

Now what is the disaster to be continued in next chapter.


  1. cool
    when the second part is coming

    i was just finding a nice blog
    and at that time i saw your blog
    keep writing aman the story is lovely


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