At the time demon came , demon hear the following thing from bajaj but demon didn t react on it he said bajaj to get the diamond from the bank. Bajaj was on the way of the bank and he was been smashed by a missile . the missile was  of the group cauldron . cauldron declared the war with sci-fi  during the war cauldron leader knew that his best friend was the smallest brother  of the demon but he didn’t be like  his demon brother .  when the demon attacked on Rahul  demons brother came and pushed him back from pusher sonic gun , demon was just shocked that his younger brother was the traitor for sci-fi. Cauldrons army and weapons were so much powerful that the sci-fi didn’t  afford it and in the war the sci-fi was in depth  but the demon ran in between as he knew that he can’t  win against Rahul  demons ran but his army was afraid and get recruited by cauldron now cauldron was the mightiest gang on the earth . when Rahul came to know that demon ran away.

novel questions > familiar answers | by Dave | It's Your Turn

 He  send his soldiers to find demon all over the  world . after  1 year  finally demon was caught by cauldron group within the help of his own brother because his brother only knew his name and his face demon was torchered  and harassed by cauldron in the jail for 3 years and finally he sentenced to death by leader of cauldron Rahul. Now Rahul was thinking about that substance from which he made the powerful weapons . which was came from space at that time Rahul  [RPSA] Rahul Personal Space Agency found the alien ship who was trying to talk with humans and saying that the powerful substance of their was on earth and they want it back or else they will destroy whole earth but Rahul thought he have the shield so Rahul refused aliens but Rahul was not knowing that aliens were having more powerful substance. Rahul attacked with his 5 missile to aliens ship but missiles were destroyed by alien before hitting them. Alien were so angry that they finished and destroyed the earth but the took the Rahul's brain.

                                            THE END


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